Craft items are cute and beautiful, they appeal to the eyes and senses. Creativity is displayed at its best in the production of craft materials. To create a fantastic craft item, the material to be used helps to display the creative skill of the artisan.
Feathers are great for producing handy craft items, as they are in themselves handy and easy to work with. The uniqueness of feathers is further displayed in style and elegance when they are used for craft items. Various birds’ feathers can be used for varying craft items such as peacock feathers, ostrich feathers, quill feathers, pheasant feathers, duck feathers, guinea feathers from guinea hens, turkey quills, and goose feathers and a whole lot of others.
One of the best feathers to showcase creativity is the goose feather because it’s exceptional and easy to use in producing handy craft items. They are beautiful, soft, inexpensive, easy to come by, and easy to work with especially for Do It Yourself (DIY) purposes. Goose feathers are gotten from Goose birds which are water birds of the Anatidae family and the Anserini tribe. There are the grey geese, white geese, and black geese belonging to the Anserini tribe.
The three types of goose birds, that is, grey, white and black all have varying beauty embedded in them. Goose feathers in shades of white and grey can be dyed to produce beautiful designs and to make bright, colourful and elegant craft items for house use, office and as many places that can be thought of. In whatever shade they come, goose feathers are always a beauty, with their impeccable soft texture which makes them look classy and exquisite.
Goose feathers can be used for a variety of handy craft items that can be made easily by anyone, no formal training is required as they are highly useful for DIY creativity. White geese feathers can easily be dyed to beautiful colours that can fit into a needed occasion; they can be attached to wedding gowns, hats and other clothing materials. Goose feathers are also used to produce pillows; pillows made from this are usually very soft and comfortable.
Goose feathers can be skilfully used to produce jewelleries, quill pens, hair accessories, dolls, and costumes for special occasions, masks, headbands, toys, to beautify books in different colours. They can be used to add more colours to the house.
At Schuman feathers, we have the nagories goose feathers which is an exceptionally soft, but strong and slightly curly feathers. They are best for making different headbands such as the puff headbands, party headbands and so on for little girls. Schuman feathers is a reputable and trusted feather online shop, they sell white goose feathers, and a variety of goose feathers. They also sale goose feathers in wholesale, you can visit them for wholesale goose feathers.
At Schuman we have goose feathers for sale and we can be reached for orders by visiting our website,