Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Unbelievable Craft Items you can Make out Feathers

Imagination’ is the Thought, ‘Creativity’ is the Call! You would have often visited those craft stores to find the same old and boring collection and returned back home empty-handed to find nothing exciting for your home décor. You would have also thought of crafting something unique by yourself, but you might be not sure of getting it right. So, here we bring you an amazing list of easy-to-do unbelievable crafts using varieties of natural feathers in bulk and earn your own audience for your creativity-
Feather Craft Items
Welcome Feather Wreath
One of the cutest pieces of craft is a feather wreath that can be used to adorn your door and serve as an adorable welcome greeting for your guests. A common grapevine wreath can be glued with natural Pheasant Feather in their raw shade to embellish its beauty up to admiral standards.
Restore the charm of your Old Skirt by transforming it into a Designer Feather Skirt
With wholesale Nagories Goose feathers by your side, you can easily transform your old faded skirts to new feather skirts by just glueing skillfully dyed shades of these feathers on your skirt. On off you can go confidently to your outdoor fun.
Feather Chandelier for the Next Dining Party in Your Home
Ringneck Pheasant Feathers have a mesmerizing charm that can be utilized well to craft eye-catching Feather Chandelier to decorate your dining party. A lighting arrangement supporting the glow of your chandelier would further increase its appeal.
Embellish the display of your favorite Hats with Feathers
Feathers can offer you great designer ideas for millinery purposes and you can always use the pheasant feathers in their variety of shades to craft a distinctive and awe-inspiring appeal to your favorite hat.
Be Party Ready with the new Designer heels that you can make Using Feathers
Glamour and style go hand-in-hand with your eye-catching pair of feather heels. Just pick up a common pair of heels from your wardrobe and use the hot glue to embellish them in the feather charm using a set of meticulously dyed Nagories Goose Feathers.
Catch every fascination and imagination with the Charismatic Feather Dream Catcher
Buy a set of natural feathers in bulk online to craft some enchanting feather dream catchers to be used in your kid’s room and your bedroom.
Store your precious and gorgeous jewelry in some inevitable beautiful Feather Adorned Jewelry Boxes
Covered in golden glitter polish, the Golden Pheasant Feathers can be used creatively to be glued to your jewelry cases to give them an extraordinary appeal. With this, you can also use the Nagories Goose Feathers for decorating your makeup kits.
Feather Lamps to be Placed on your Window Sill
Among the many amazing DIY craft ideas with feathers, feather lamps are one of the most expressive ones. You can use different round glass containers to fill them with some White Goose Feathers and place some light bulbs in different colors in the containers to make awe-inspiring feather lamps.
So get ready with your collection of natural feathers in bulk to make some amazing feather crafts using the above ideas. And if you are not sure about where to buy feathers from, we at Schuman Feathers offer you a wide range of high-quality feathers in various species, colors and varieties at cost-effective prices online. Visit us at -

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