Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Decorate Anything Uniquely with Golden Pheasant Feathers

Pheasant is a beautiful and different looking bird, which belongs to Phasianidae family of the order Galliformes. There are different types of pheasant birds, whose plumes are used to make varieties of things. Golden Pheasant is one species of this huge family. It is a gamebird, which belongs to Phasianidae (pheasants) family. This lovely bird is known as Chinese Pheasant, as it is inhabitant to the hilly areas of Western China. The wild variety of this pheasant is, usually, known as the Red Golden Pheasant. In terms of appearance, Golden Pheasants closely resembles to the Lady Amherst Pheasant.

The male and the female bird of this species are different from each other in looks. The male bird is 90-105cm in total length with tail covering approx. 2/3 part. The bird is unmistakably identifiable by golden-yellow crest, golden rump, bright red body, bright yellow eye, deep orange cape, and rusty tan face, chin, throat and the sides of neck. In addition, the upper back portion of the males is green, and the wattles and orbital skin are yellow. The rest of the part of the back is golden-yellow in color. The male birds look pretty much attractive also because of their beautiful plumage. The central tail feathers have black spotted shade with tip of the tail in cinnamon buff. The upper tail coverts are similar to that of central tail quills.
When compared to the males, female birds are less ostentatious with dull mottled brown plumage. Female golden pheasant looks quite similar to that of female common pheasant. Their breast and sides are barred buff and blackish brown, and the abdomen is plain fawn. Besides this, the females have fawn face and throat. The legs and the bills of both male and female birds are yellow in color.
Use of Golden Pheasant Quills
The unique and exquisite appearance of the quills of these birds, makes them ideal for a range of decorative purposes. These golden quills are used to make
  • Carnival Costumes
  • Centerpieces
  • Craft and Millinery Items
  • Fashion Accessories
  • Wreaths
  • Headdresses
  • Wings
As decorative item, you can use these quills to make centerpieces, craft items and wreaths. You can use these feather centerpieces to garnish home interiors, wedding places and other party places. Wreaths are suitable to embellish the doors and windows of the home, both internally and externally. Craft and millinery items made with these plumes are used to adorn interiors of the home in a distinctive and pleasing way. Besides decoration, use of these quills is prevalent in carnival celebration. You can use them to make costumes and their associated parts like wings and headdresses. Coming on to the fashion part, you can use these plumes to design accessories like earrings, bracelets, neckpieces, etc.

You can buy top-quality golden pheasant feathers in natural shade from Schuman Feathers, one of the renowned wholesale feather suppliers. We offer the quills of these species in a range of sizes i.e. from 13 inches to 32 inches. 

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